Sunday, October 16, 2011

Marvel Universe X-Force 3 Pack Review

I've done quite a few Marvel Universe reviews and this one isn't much different except I do not like the way two of these figures are made.  I picked these guys up online for $19.99 at Hastroboyshop and when they arrived I was disappointed at the elbow and hip joints on Deadpool and Wolverine.  The elbow joints are like G.I. Joe elbows and they work on Deadpool.  Putting Wolverine in cool poses makes him look weird because of his bulky upper arms.  The hip joints are like Ironman 2 toys.  I'm not sure what they were thinking when they did this because it's really difficult to get these two to do cool poses.  Wolverine also has small feet and is top heavy so he falls over a lot.  Overall I'm not too happy about this 3 pack. 

G.I. Joe Dusty Review

I got this guy for $5.99 at when I picked up the Marvel Universe X-Force set.  I needed to have over $25 dollars to get free shipping but I actually spent close to $35 since they G.I. Joes were pretty cheap.  I actually got this guy to play with when sitting at my desk.  So far he's been really fun and the only flaw he had was his left hand.  The ring finger and pinky came with the tips sliced off.  The weird G.I. Joe elbow joints didn't bug me here. 

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Hasbro Transformers Masterpiece Hot Rod/Rodimus Prime Review

*POST IS VERY PICTURE HEAVY* My toy also did not come with instructions which is why the vehicle mode is very awkward. 

Masterpiece Hot Rod/Rodimus Prime is a toy I've been wanting since I was a child.  Since The Transformers movie came out the same year I was born I didn't get to see the movie til about seven years later and by then I didn't see any Hot Rod toys in stores.  2006 was when I got my first Hot Rod/Rodimus toy and it was the Classics version.  That toy sparked my toy collecting interest again and I haven't stopped buying toys since. 

When Masterpiece Rodimus Prime was announced I was excited to finally see a toy I've wanted for years.  However the asking price of $200+ really put me off.  I waited to see reviews and I was glad I did not spend so much money on the Japanese version because of the bad quality control.  Despite the QC issues I was always tempted to save up and buy the figure until the announcement of the Hasbro release and the price point of around $50-$70 dollars. 

When this toy first hit  it sold out in one day and I was mad because I didn't have  the lousy last 72 cents in my account to pay for shipping.   Needless to say fast forward several months and now I have him and he is pretty awesome. 

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Kamen Rider W Blind Box Motorcycle + Figure Review

Oh alcohol what crazy things you make me spend money on.  For lack of better judgement I spent $8.99 on this toy.  I regret this because the toy doesn't really do anything and you need to buy four boxes to complete the stage.  I'm just gonna say save your money and buy something else cool but enjoy these pictures. 

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Marvel Universe Dark Spider-Man and Wolverine 2 Pack Review

Dark Spiderman = Dark Avenger's Spider-Man = Venom III =  The Scorpion
Dark Wolverine  = Dark Avenger's Wolverine = Wolverine's son = Daken 

I recently bought Masterpiece Rodimus Prime from Toys R Us and only had to spend like $15 bucks to get free shipping.  I figured why not get this two pack for $16.99 when shipping was going to cost me $8 for just Rodimus so I added this 2 pack to my cart.  I do not regret almost paying $20 for these guys.  I only wish these guys came with figure stands like most of the Marvel Universe today. 

I've always liked it when a super hero/hero team has to fight an evil version of themselves. Something along the lines of "A person's greatest foe is themselves."  When I was a child my favorite was when the Power Rangers had to fight evil Doppelgangers of themselves but Dark Spider-Man and Dark Wolverine are a little more awesome because they have much larger back stories.  

Friday, October 7, 2011

Cool Stuff From The Girlfriend

I am totally showing off right now but check out these awesome things, mostly candy, my girlfriend sent me from Japan. 

 Kamen Rider Fourze gummy!   Grape flavor my favorite! 

 This is a neat gimmick.  Apparently this Kamen Rider can replace his arms and legs with different weapons so if you buy more gummy candy you can replace his limbs with different flavors.

 This was the only candy not to melt and it tasted quite good.  Very grapey.

 Next up packet full of Pokemon gummies!

Errrrr at least that's what it was supposed to be.   Tasted very much neutral like this.  Kinda like those clear gummy bears.   I wanted to save the package but it was all sticky so I threw it away.

 These grape things are like Hi chews.  If Hi Chews had a jelly like filling in the middle.

Wait a minute if my Japanese is correct this says Hi Chews in Japanese. 

 Hello delicious brick of candy.

 Ten Hong Kong dollars from my girlfriend's trip to Hong Kong.  The money has clear plastic in it. 


 My own frog from Japan!   Such a neat color too.  Never saw a purple frog before.  It's really small too.  I asked my girl to save me a frog in Japan and this is what she sent me.  This will last much longer than a real live frog!

 All the money from this frog goes to aid the Japanese who suffered in the earthquake. 

It's a magnet!  The tiny frog looks like it's praying. 

Thank you darling!

Marvel Universe Jean Grey Review

I got Jean Grey from the Toy Fair a couple of weeks ago. I'm slowly opening them all up in failed attempts at me buying more toys.  This was the first time I felt the Marvel Universe figure was ok.   Jean isn't anything special compared to the other figures I've gotten.  If' you've read my other reviews on Mystique or Mary Jane then there isn't much to add.  The biggest thing I can see wrong with this toy is her inability to stand up straight because of her hair sculpt. 

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Marvel Legends Build A Figure Apocalypse Review

I didn't really mean to buy this this figure yet.  Not until I got back from my wonderful trip from Japan but I saw this one eBay for less than $30 so I bid on it at the last second and won.  With shipping it cost me $39.  Much lower than buying all the figures together on a website or eBay and building the figure myself.  There was also the off chance of me buying the wrong toy and ending up with an Apocalypse of   I was prepared to be disappointing but I am really impressed by this guy.  Really big and super articulated he scales nicely next to Marvel Legends and Marvel Universe since one of his powers is increasing his size. 

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Marvel Universe Cable Review

This is the Cable variant meaning he doesn't come with baby Hope.  I picked him up at the Toy Fair for $12 dollars.  I figured it was a good price because online Cable with baby version goes for $30+ while this one goes for $18+.  From Youtube reviews I's seen the baby Hope and X symbol do not attach to Cable very well.  I recommend getting this one unless you really want the baby because cable has enough loose parts already.

When I opened up Cable and went to move him limbs he broke at his left wrist.  I was angry because Cable is an awesome Marvel Universe figure.  He is in my top three figures to get from Marvel Universe. 

Monday, October 3, 2011

Vampire Hunter D Leila Review

Vampire Hunter D is the first and last Anime movie I own.  I bought the movie when I had a giftcard to someplace...  I can't remember, but I think it might be Blockbuster?  Anywho I didn't know they made toys for the movie until I saw this figure going at the toyfair for $15.  I thought about it and decided to pass.   Then I regretted not picking Leila up after I got home so I looked online for what this might cost me.  Luckily with shipping this toy only cost ten dollars and some change with shipping from Amazon.  I then tried to find some kind of review on the figure and when I couldn't find any reviews I ordered the figure.