Friday, December 30, 2011

Final Fantasy Play Arts Kai Vanille Review

Yay Joshin store again for having this cheap.  Vanille was marked down to ¥1800 compared to her normal ¥4000.   Compared to America over here the closest I can find her is on for $40.     I'm quite pleased with this purchase.   I haven't beaten FF XIII yet but from what I'm finding I like the cheerful characters in Final Fantasy.  They're going up against world threatening events and they also have a positive attitude.  Enough rambling here at some pictures for you to decide if you want to spend the money on her. 

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Play Arts Final Fantasy VIII Selphie Review

Play Arts Selphie came out a while ago and in America you can find her, and other Final Fantasy Play Arts figures, for $20+ online and in stores.  When I was shopping around for toys in Japan I found her for ¥1000.  I'm happy I snagged her for that price because I can now make a Final Fantasy team on my desk. 

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Japanese Crane/UFO Catcher Games

Real quick post.  At ¥100-¥200 a game these things are addictive.  In hindsight I regret playing them and dumping all that money into them.  Just look how awesome the faces are! But yeah if you're ever in Japan give them a try and you might end up with awesome prizes like these!  Japanese toys come with awesome faces. 

Sunday, December 11, 2011

40th Anniversary Cup Noodle: Cup Gunpla Review

My super sexy mega awesome girlfriend picked me up this set one day after work.  I'm not sure how much it cost but both of these seem pretty Japanese to me.  I believe this set is based off of the bad guy Char.  I think this is his Zaku but with Cup Noodles logo all over it.  Please forgive me if I am wrong I did no research into this.  

Saturday, December 10, 2011

S.H.Figuarts Piccolo Review

Finding cheap Figuarts of my favorite characters was not easy in  Japan.  It felt like I had to be in the right place at the right time.  In Akihabara I thought I was going to get a Goku for only 2500 yen but that turned out to be a lie.  I couldn't find any of the Dragon Ball Z Figuarts until I was in Joetsu City.  There I found Piccolo and Gohan for a whopping ¥3300.  I didn't want to pay for them because I could maybe get them cheaper online.  It as good that I held out because Piccolo here was at a Joshin store for ¥2940 and I really like him.   

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

S.H. Figuarts: Kazuma Review

Whoa another month has almost passed since my last post.  I've been in Japan seeing the sights and buying some new toys.   These toys aren't new and some have been out for a while but I think they are awesome because they didn't make me poor.  I wish I could have gotten the more expensive figures but then I would have walked away with only two or three instead of the several I have right now.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Marvel Universe Commander Steve Rogers Review

Just uploading the pictures before I go to Japan to hold the space. 

...and after almost a month after uploading these photos I am going to talk about this toy.   This is my most pose able Marvel Universe to date and I really like him.  I kind of wish I brought him to Japan to take photos/have a cheaper toy to play with since I don't really want to play with my more expensive toys over here.

I've also become super lazy about typing over here so here's some pretty pictures of Commander Steve Rogers.

Oh yeah other than not having a shield for himself this guy is awesome!

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Marvel Universe X-Force 3 Pack Review

I've done quite a few Marvel Universe reviews and this one isn't much different except I do not like the way two of these figures are made.  I picked these guys up online for $19.99 at Hastroboyshop and when they arrived I was disappointed at the elbow and hip joints on Deadpool and Wolverine.  The elbow joints are like G.I. Joe elbows and they work on Deadpool.  Putting Wolverine in cool poses makes him look weird because of his bulky upper arms.  The hip joints are like Ironman 2 toys.  I'm not sure what they were thinking when they did this because it's really difficult to get these two to do cool poses.  Wolverine also has small feet and is top heavy so he falls over a lot.  Overall I'm not too happy about this 3 pack. 

G.I. Joe Dusty Review

I got this guy for $5.99 at when I picked up the Marvel Universe X-Force set.  I needed to have over $25 dollars to get free shipping but I actually spent close to $35 since they G.I. Joes were pretty cheap.  I actually got this guy to play with when sitting at my desk.  So far he's been really fun and the only flaw he had was his left hand.  The ring finger and pinky came with the tips sliced off.  The weird G.I. Joe elbow joints didn't bug me here. 

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Hasbro Transformers Masterpiece Hot Rod/Rodimus Prime Review

*POST IS VERY PICTURE HEAVY* My toy also did not come with instructions which is why the vehicle mode is very awkward. 

Masterpiece Hot Rod/Rodimus Prime is a toy I've been wanting since I was a child.  Since The Transformers movie came out the same year I was born I didn't get to see the movie til about seven years later and by then I didn't see any Hot Rod toys in stores.  2006 was when I got my first Hot Rod/Rodimus toy and it was the Classics version.  That toy sparked my toy collecting interest again and I haven't stopped buying toys since. 

When Masterpiece Rodimus Prime was announced I was excited to finally see a toy I've wanted for years.  However the asking price of $200+ really put me off.  I waited to see reviews and I was glad I did not spend so much money on the Japanese version because of the bad quality control.  Despite the QC issues I was always tempted to save up and buy the figure until the announcement of the Hasbro release and the price point of around $50-$70 dollars. 

When this toy first hit  it sold out in one day and I was mad because I didn't have  the lousy last 72 cents in my account to pay for shipping.   Needless to say fast forward several months and now I have him and he is pretty awesome. 

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Kamen Rider W Blind Box Motorcycle + Figure Review

Oh alcohol what crazy things you make me spend money on.  For lack of better judgement I spent $8.99 on this toy.  I regret this because the toy doesn't really do anything and you need to buy four boxes to complete the stage.  I'm just gonna say save your money and buy something else cool but enjoy these pictures. 

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Marvel Universe Dark Spider-Man and Wolverine 2 Pack Review

Dark Spiderman = Dark Avenger's Spider-Man = Venom III =  The Scorpion
Dark Wolverine  = Dark Avenger's Wolverine = Wolverine's son = Daken 

I recently bought Masterpiece Rodimus Prime from Toys R Us and only had to spend like $15 bucks to get free shipping.  I figured why not get this two pack for $16.99 when shipping was going to cost me $8 for just Rodimus so I added this 2 pack to my cart.  I do not regret almost paying $20 for these guys.  I only wish these guys came with figure stands like most of the Marvel Universe today. 

I've always liked it when a super hero/hero team has to fight an evil version of themselves. Something along the lines of "A person's greatest foe is themselves."  When I was a child my favorite was when the Power Rangers had to fight evil Doppelgangers of themselves but Dark Spider-Man and Dark Wolverine are a little more awesome because they have much larger back stories.  

Friday, October 7, 2011

Cool Stuff From The Girlfriend

I am totally showing off right now but check out these awesome things, mostly candy, my girlfriend sent me from Japan. 

 Kamen Rider Fourze gummy!   Grape flavor my favorite! 

 This is a neat gimmick.  Apparently this Kamen Rider can replace his arms and legs with different weapons so if you buy more gummy candy you can replace his limbs with different flavors.

 This was the only candy not to melt and it tasted quite good.  Very grapey.

 Next up packet full of Pokemon gummies!

Errrrr at least that's what it was supposed to be.   Tasted very much neutral like this.  Kinda like those clear gummy bears.   I wanted to save the package but it was all sticky so I threw it away.

 These grape things are like Hi chews.  If Hi Chews had a jelly like filling in the middle.

Wait a minute if my Japanese is correct this says Hi Chews in Japanese. 

 Hello delicious brick of candy.

 Ten Hong Kong dollars from my girlfriend's trip to Hong Kong.  The money has clear plastic in it. 


 My own frog from Japan!   Such a neat color too.  Never saw a purple frog before.  It's really small too.  I asked my girl to save me a frog in Japan and this is what she sent me.  This will last much longer than a real live frog!

 All the money from this frog goes to aid the Japanese who suffered in the earthquake. 

It's a magnet!  The tiny frog looks like it's praying. 

Thank you darling!

Marvel Universe Jean Grey Review

I got Jean Grey from the Toy Fair a couple of weeks ago. I'm slowly opening them all up in failed attempts at me buying more toys.  This was the first time I felt the Marvel Universe figure was ok.   Jean isn't anything special compared to the other figures I've gotten.  If' you've read my other reviews on Mystique or Mary Jane then there isn't much to add.  The biggest thing I can see wrong with this toy is her inability to stand up straight because of her hair sculpt. 

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Marvel Legends Build A Figure Apocalypse Review

I didn't really mean to buy this this figure yet.  Not until I got back from my wonderful trip from Japan but I saw this one eBay for less than $30 so I bid on it at the last second and won.  With shipping it cost me $39.  Much lower than buying all the figures together on a website or eBay and building the figure myself.  There was also the off chance of me buying the wrong toy and ending up with an Apocalypse of   I was prepared to be disappointing but I am really impressed by this guy.  Really big and super articulated he scales nicely next to Marvel Legends and Marvel Universe since one of his powers is increasing his size. 

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Marvel Universe Cable Review

This is the Cable variant meaning he doesn't come with baby Hope.  I picked him up at the Toy Fair for $12 dollars.  I figured it was a good price because online Cable with baby version goes for $30+ while this one goes for $18+.  From Youtube reviews I's seen the baby Hope and X symbol do not attach to Cable very well.  I recommend getting this one unless you really want the baby because cable has enough loose parts already.

When I opened up Cable and went to move him limbs he broke at his left wrist.  I was angry because Cable is an awesome Marvel Universe figure.  He is in my top three figures to get from Marvel Universe. 

Monday, October 3, 2011

Vampire Hunter D Leila Review

Vampire Hunter D is the first and last Anime movie I own.  I bought the movie when I had a giftcard to someplace...  I can't remember, but I think it might be Blockbuster?  Anywho I didn't know they made toys for the movie until I saw this figure going at the toyfair for $15.  I thought about it and decided to pass.   Then I regretted not picking Leila up after I got home so I looked online for what this might cost me.  Luckily with shipping this toy only cost ten dollars and some change with shipping from Amazon.  I then tried to find some kind of review on the figure and when I couldn't find any reviews I ordered the figure. 

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Marvel Universe Red Hulk Review

Move over World War Hulk.  I have a new favorite Hulk toy.  When I see the Red Hulk I think this is how the Hulk should look.  When people get angry they turn red, not a weird shade of green.  When a person gets angry they get heated, which is what the Red Hulk does.  The angrier Red Hulk gets the hotter he gets.  He's still super strong but not as strong as the Hulk. 

Yeah I don't know what that paragraph is about I just think the Red Hulk looks awesome. 

 Instead of sounding redundant here's my previous review on The Hulk.  These two guys share similar everything except their head and left hand sculpts. 

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Marvel Universe The Hulk Review

I've already reviewed a Marvel Universe Hulk here.  As I mentioned earlier I was at the local mall one night and was surprised by the toy fair.   I saw tons of Marvel Universe figures and a lot of them were priced $12+ but one booth didn't have them labeled so I asked the guy how much they were and he said most of them were $10 so I didn't hesitate and picked up Red Hulk and Grey Hulk that day since other vendors were selling them for $15+.  I didn't the regular one here til the next day.  Anywho I'm a happy camper with my purchases. 

 Showing off my purchases!  Online each one costs around $20+ because of shipping. 

Marvel Legends She Hulk Review

I went on a Hulk bender of sorts.  I picked up She Hulk first for $15.99 then I got all the older Marvel Universe Hulks for only $10 each.  I've got to say I do not mind paying the money for these figures because they are nice and bulky for the price and they seem to dwarf the other figures in their line.  I really wasn't planning on opening She Hulk until they released the Marvel Universe version but the cardboard back and bubble took up so much space.  I justify opening this one by saying it'll save me room by having it open. 

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Marvel Universe Mary Jane Review

Don't ask me why I wanted this figure so badly.  I don't even know why.  All I know is now I got her because of the toy fair.  Mary Jane was priced at $12 and I bought her like a sucker and boy howdy is she my favorite Marvel Universe figure by far.  I can see why she commands a hefty price tag of $20+ now.

Mary Jane does not have any super powers, she doesn't have armor, she can't use magic.  So why was this figure made in the first place?  She's Spider-Man's girlfriend/wife and that's about it.  When Marvel had a contest on which Marvel Universe figure to release next Mary Jane got the top spot which is how she got released in the first place.  I'm really enjoying her though and she stands right in the middle of my collection in between Iron Spider and Scarlet Spider. 

Monday, September 26, 2011

Monster Hunter Motion Revive Dragon Armor Review

I know I've been going on about these Monster Hunter Toys and since this one is very similar to my Rathalos Armor Review I will keep this one short and just show you the pictures. 

Marvel Universe Scarlet Spider Review

Woo at that toy fair I picked up a bunch of Marvel Universes for around $10-12 dollars.  I don't normally like paying that much for them but they are pretty awesome and they had ones I wanted.  First up the Scarlet Spider variant!

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Hunt for the Decepticons: Human Alliance Sideswipe Review

I'm gonna do two toy posts today.  Only because after work I was asked to pick up milk and forks from Target but ran into a Toy Fair at the mall attached to the Target I decided to stop at.  After working a long and hard shift I feel lucky because I got to see an awesome Toy Fair.  Needless to say this thing is cash only so I have to get money for these Marvel Legends I want to buy.  Instead of getting six for $10 each I look up and see Sideswipe for $15.   I've always wanted a cheap Human Alliance figure and with no tax I didn't hesitate to add this to my purchase.

Long story short I got this guy for cheap.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Marvel Legends Psylocke Review

Unlike her fellow X-Men Psylocke is only $11 bucks on Amazon with Prime.  I really enjoy the the Marvel Universe line so I thought this might be a good deal to see if I like the larger figures.  Each of the other X-Men cost around $30 so I thought if I liked this figure I might want to invest in a future X-Men.

My verdict is I'll wait to see what future Marvel Legends come with.  Psylocke really didn't come with anything, not even her Psychic knife.  On the plus side she's can be put into a bunch of poses.  However they look really lame because she of the missing accessories or figure stands.  Curse you impulse buys from Amazon.   Well not really since I'm on a toy kick instead of going out every weekend and blowing all my money on food and drink. 

Friday, September 23, 2011

ThunderCats 4 inch Wilykit Review

I picked this Thunderkitten up on Amazon for $8.14.  I didn't hesitate because with Amazon Prime this is even cheaper than it is in stores.  Ultimately I do regret buying her because the toy itself has little to no posing value.  For a similar price you can get another one of the ThunderCats that comes with cooler accessories.  I'll write more with each picture. 

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Transformers Dark of the Moon Roadbuster Review

I got Roadbuster with targets $9.99 sale.  He looks really cool on the package but in actuality he's just a "shellformer"  His articulation is awesome but his backpack left over from shellforming really makes him unawesome.  I say pass unless you really liked the Wreckers from the movie and have to collect all three. 

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Monster Hunter Motion Revive Rathlos Armor Review

In the first Monster Hunter game it meant something when you got full Rathalos armor.  It took me two+ years to achieve this goal because I didn't have internet access on my PS2 for a long time.  No internet and combined with PS2 Rathalos' tendency to fly around all the time made this battle take forever.  Fast forward several years and it sometimes only takes me five minutes to hunt the regular Rathalos.  With each release of Monster Hunter they made the game easier to play.   

I've already talked quite a lot about the Monster Hunter Motion Revive series and I have nothing new to say other than this is my favorite armor because I use it with each game I buy.  I really wish this was the mascot armor instead of the Kirin set because when I think of armor made from a monster I think these guys, not a bikini that protects nothing. 

I forgot to mention this is the blademaster set if it wasn't too obvious from the swords and shields.  

Monday, September 19, 2011

Dead Island Review

I just beat Dead Island today and I figure I'll give my opinions on it. 

My friends and I pre-ordered Dead Island for the PC though Steam and while the game is fun it has some major flaws.   My main gripe with the game is they obviously didn't test this game for computer consumption.  Within an hour of playing the game 3/4 of my friends became motion sick.  I looked online and this problem was not uncommon.  Supposedly Dead Island was made for consoles and ported to PC's.  This meant they didn't account for PC gamers to be sitting 3-5 times closer to their monitors than console gamers.  There are mods for the game to help people fix screen tearing, lagging, FOV, and motion sickness but cmon they hyped this game up so much and the day it's released we get the developer version. 

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Homestar Runner Figureines Series #1 Review

I got these as a gift years ago.  I cannot remember how long ago, maybe six or seven or even eight years ago.  Man how time flies.  Anywho I never really feel right reviewing presents and I more want to show off what these figures look like up close.  My current lighting does the figures no justice however.  

I cannot remember if I got these guys as a birthday present or a Christmas present but I really enjoy them.  Up until recently they sitting under my monitor.  My only gripe with these awesome little guys is they fall over really easily.  For some reason my keyboard, mouse, or speaker wires are attracted to these guys and they would always get knocked over. 

I forgot to post a size comparison.  But the average space these figures take up is about as much as a Zippo lighter.  

If you want to pick this set up they $15.00(at the time of this post) not including shipping from here.   They normally cost $30.00 and as a fan of the website I think it's a really good price to get those figures for half off.  I'm tempted to go pick up some patches right now for my bag.  I really wish I had ordered a hoodie when I had the chance because the only thing they are selling right now is the tee shirts. 


Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Transformers Dark of the Moon: Mech Tech Laserbeak Review

 I can't believe I only have on other Transformer review on here.  Oh well here's Laserbeak from Dark of the Moon.  He's really hard to find in stores and when one of my local Targets had this on sale for $9.99 I picked him up to go with my Soundwave collection.  He looks really good in plane mode but suffers in bird mode because of his doofy looking head.  Another thing I'm not getting is because he's bird already, why does Laserbeak turn into a hoverplane drone thing?  If he's already a robot bird what's the point of turning into something else that can fly?

Friday, September 9, 2011

Monster Hunter Motion Revive Giaprey and Ioprey Gunner Review

Monster Hunter fans please forgive me if I get any of the names wrong.

This is another part of the Monster Hunter Motion Revive reviews.  This part will cover the gunner sets.   The blue armor is the Giaprey armor and the red is the Ioprey armor.  In Monster Hunter Freedom 2 and Monster Hunter Freedom United these two armor sets are really easy to make.   There isn't a lot of difference between the armors other than one can resist poison and the other resists cold,  I think.

The Kirin Armors were a female sculpt so they had a different body sculpt.  The rest of the armors appear to have the same base body but have different armors attached.  I really like these toys. 

There was not a whole lot of weapons in this set that works with the gunners therefore there are less amazing pictures. 

You can get the whole set here for a reasonable price. 

Thursday, September 8, 2011

GI-Joe Rise of Cobra: Paris Pursuit Storm Shadow Review

 I haven't had a new GI-Joe figure in a long time.  So long in face I don't remember how they properly spelled it.  Anywho I snagged this guy off of Amazon for only $4.65 and for the price I really like it.  However it does have it's faults.   Storm Shadow has those weird elbow joints I really don't like and when I move his shoulders it feels like I may or may not break them off because they're so stiff.  (that's what she said).    I mainly got this guy for the weapons for my Marvel Universe figures which sadly do not fit well into their hands.  The sais are too small, and the swords and gun stretch out the hands of other figures. 

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Monster Hunter Motion Revive Female Kirin Armor Review

Alrighty, this review is part one of my earlier reviews of the Monster Hunter Motion Revive Here.  This review is going to be focusing on the Female Kirin Armor set. 

As I mentioned earlier I love the Monster Hunter Franchise.  These little Motion Revive toys are as big as GI Joes but in my opinion way more awesome because they involve Monster hunter.  The only glaring weakness in my opinion is instead of packaging eight different armors the company decided to make four different ones and include paint swaps for just three of the armor sets. 

The same genius at the Motion Revive company decided to pack three Female Kirin Armor sets with the only difference being light, medium, and dark skin tones.  Not too bad but I would have liked if they used the Dragon armor and painted it an exclusive Motion Revive color or something.

To make things a little easier to understand each blind box came with:
-3 Female Kirin Armor sets(can be blademaster or gunner)
-2 Male (gunner) sets
-2 Male (blademaster) Rathalos sets
-1 Male (blademaster) Dragon set

While the Kirin armor is the most common in the set it was probably packed this way because besides the monsters on the games boxarts the female Kirin Armor has become an unofficial mascot.  She's barely wearing any armor and from what she is wearing it doesn't look protective at all.  Point in case, sex sells. 

The best thing about the Kirin Armor is it is able to pose with all the weapons and accessories included because there is no visual difference between blademaster and gunner. 

 These are a pain to pose and stand up.  Please bear with me as I know my posing skills suck, I just wanted them to be upright when I took these photos. 

Monday, September 5, 2011

Lego Star Wars Darth Vader Transformation Review

WHY ARE LEGOS SO DARNED EXPENSIVE?!?!?!  This was going to be a short review turning to me recommending anyone who eventually reads this blog to purchase this cheap set if possible.  But a search for this set new will run a person $80+.  WTF.   Opened it commands a price of $20+ on Ebay and that's without the shipping.  It's ridiculous what Lego figures and play sets go for now.  Looking at those mini figure mystery bag I cannot understand why anyone would pay $4+ dollars for one bag.  The person who designed Legos must be a freaking genius because those appear to be selling like hot cakes. 

So my story with this set goes something like this.  One Christmas my mom bought some cheap stocking stuffers for her friend's children.   My mom picked up a few of these and two of them got handed out.  I took this one off her hands because there wasn't a third recipient.  At the time she got this set for $6-7.  Needless to say I built this set, it was sitting on my desk.  I packed it up to go to my new house and it's been sitting in my closet since.  Yesterday I cleaned out and condensed my chests full of treasures and I found this set all dusty.  I was about to give to my friend who is a Star Wars fan for free but I wanted to see how much it was worth.  Just a quick glance at Amazon and they have the set for over a hundred dollars.  I cannot believe it.  On Ebay people are paying close to a hundred for it new and close to thirty for it opened.  Needless to say I will probably sell this Lego set for more toys.  Oh the circle of life.  
 Yeah I know I messed up the shot.  Didn't look at the set up til after I uploaded the pictures.   

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Marvel Universe World War Hulk Review

Alright another Marvel Universe review!!!  This time I'll be talking about World War Hulk.  I picked this guy up from Amazon for a little over $10 and I am really like this toy.  It has enough rubbery plastic to make two of the smaller figures but costs the same as the other toys.   The detail on this guy is great and he looks like a Hulk that isn't all rage crazy.  I wonder if Marvel likes having figures with one metal arm because they did this with Winter Soldier and Cable before this.  

Thursday, September 1, 2011

ThunderCats Panthro Review

Alright another ThunderCats review!  I think the new ThunderCats is the only TV show I follow right now and I think it's awesome.  I think a lot of American cartoons are getting really, really stupid.  Shows like Adventuretime and Chowder get on my nerves because  the main characters never seem to learn anything and the when they talk it's a bunch of nonsense.  But ThunderCats is a show where the animation is good, it teaches kids good morals, has sexual innuendos (I've never been more attracted to a cheetah in my life), violence for the older crowd (people die!), and a good storyline based off the original. 

In the old cartoons the ThunderCat adult males looked the same except with different heads and color schemes.  This modern version makes each ThunderCat look unique.  From the main cast Panthro is the largest ThunderCat.  He's heads and shoulders over Lion-O and able to lift boulders.  Panthro is big and beefy and so far on the TV show viewers were able to see him change the most. 

I paid $14.99 for this guy and I really enjoy him.  I think maybe even more than Lion-O because in my head I'm getting more bang for my buck with this larger figure.  If anything I cannot wait for them to release the rest of the ThunderCats in this size.  I'm debating whether or not I want to shell out the cash for a Mumm-Ra figure for these guys to pose with. 

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Motion Revive Series Monster Hunter Kado Karyudo G Review

*Warning very picture heavy.   I couldn't find any other reviews on these figures as a group on the internet, in English.  The most I could find was reviews on the Kirin armor figures because those are the cheapest ones in the set.*

***Monster hunter fans please forgive me if I type the wrong name for the armor sets.   I'm going based on Memory here and I'll be using the American names for the armor sets. ***

This Review will cover the whole box set from packaging to my overall thoughts on these Motion Revive Monster Hunter figures.

I am a big fan of the Monster Hunter games.  My interest first sparked when I first saw the ads for the Ps2 game in a PSM magazine.   After looking at only ads in magazines and researching a little online I didn't hesitate to pick this game up when it first released.  Yadda, yadda, yadda seven years later I still play the games as they are released in America.  Capcom when are you going to release Monster Hunter Portable 3rd in America?!?!?!

Anywho I got these guys back in December, 2010 when my friend Barry noticed they were on sale at HobbyLink Japan for about twenty dollars a box.  Doing some quick math we each would have to pay $30 a box which included shipping.  A really nice deal since at the time I would see the most common figure, the Kirin Armor, go for at least $10 dollars without shipping on Ebay.  A quick check right now and it seems that each figure goes for at least $24.50 on Ebay before shipping almost double for the Dragon Armor. 

What you get in this set is: (I'm not sure what weapons came with what.  I store them all in the same spot and it kind of all got jumbled.   But just like the game your character can equip all the different weapons, of course depending on the armor type. )  They also come with two sets of hands to allow them to hold various weapons and tools. 

-3 Kirin Armors with different skin tones.   Dark, medium, and light.  These are the most common set to find on Ebay.  They also work well since KirinGunner and Blademaster armor look the same.  
-2 "prey" gunners armor.  I believe Giaprey(blue) and Ioprey(red) set.
-2 Rathalos blademasters .  One regular (red) and one variant (silver).
-1 Dragon blademaster set.

So where we go all eight figures in this set.  At first we thought since it was blind boxed it was somehow going to be all luck on what we got in the cases.  But as it turns out it's all the same thing. 

***I'm going to do individual reviews for each of these in the future. ***

I'll try to let the pictures do most of the explaining but if you want to pick up this set right now they still have some at HobbyLink Japan here.