Saturday, November 24, 2012

Sad times

To my girlfriend and maybe one constant reader out there.  I have run out of picture space on here!!! I totally didn't think that was possible because I thought it was unlimited for some reason.   Anywho if I get unlazy I may delete some of my older photos of log into a new photo blogger to review future toys.   Fun fun. 

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Marvel Universe Storm Review

I hope I don't sound like a broken record but over here where I live we don't see the newer Marvel Universe waves for months. It doesn't make sense because other cities around a thirty or so mile radius around me see new waves but I never see the newer figures unless it's in a collector's *coughscalpercough* store.  

Quick Look at this Final Fantasy Advent Children Shadow Creeper

I am getting really backed up on reviewing toys.  I'm not going to review Shadow Creeper because it is mostly a statue that I got to pose with my Yuffie I got a while back.  I only opened up this toy this year but I think it was well worth the $6 I paid for him from  I think it looks good with the Advent Childen Play Arts and I wish there were more affordable monsters in the Play Arts Line.   

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Resident Evil 6 Review ***SPOILERS, Probably***

Sorry no photos in this review.   I also hope this mini review makes sense.  I'm writing it after work and my wording skills isn't so good right now.   I'm still not sure what I can and cannot do when it's comes to pictures of games I'm reviewing.  Anywho this mini review is from a long time fan of the Resident Evil series so I hope this helps you decide on whether to buy, or not buy this latest entry.

 ***SPOILERS****  I'm going to try to keep them as minor as possible.  

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Marvel Legends Hope Summers

Here we have Hope Summers.  The next newest member of my Exile team.  I originally wasn't going to get her because she was so hard to find, but she popped up at all my local Targets recently so I picked one up.   Hope is a great toy with her only flaw being her inability to stand up correctly due to her top heavy accessories and small feet. 

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Marvel Legends 25th Anniversary Wolverine

I've been on a Marvel Legends kick lately because I've been wanting assemble my own team of dimension hoppers for my own team of plastic Exiles.   Even though this figure says limited edition there are a bunch floating around the internet for cheap.  This guy only cost me $10 on Amazon so I couldn't pass him up. 

This might be the 25th Anniversary Wolverine toy but for my purposes he comes from a dimension where he inherits the Silver Surfer's powers and joins the Exiles for...  yeah let's get down to the pictures. 

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Marvel Universe Kitty Pryde

I've actually had this toy for a while, but I was saving her for a time when I haven't purchased any toys for a while.   With my interests moving to Marvel Legends I decided to open her up after being sad about not finding any of the more popular ones in any stores around me.  The only new Marvel Legends I have seen near me are Drax, sometimes Captain Bucky, Ironman, and Claw.   Never anything else, so if I have some extra cash I may purchase some of the ones I want though Amazon.  

Nickolodeon Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Leonardo

I've had this figure for maybe a month and I forgot to review him because there are are a ton of reviews floating around for the new TMNT line.   All I can add is, he's awesome!!!  Well that's not really adding anything to what other reviewers have already said. 

My one gripe with this toy is, nothing!   Just that supposedly the west coast over here was supposedly receiving these guys earlier than the rest of the nation.  That wasn't true for the San Francisco Bay Area, area...   I had to wait until about 3-4 weeks for the line to pop up.  

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

ZCGirl Lucci + Hand Set

Up for today is ZCGirl's Lucci.  She is part of my kitbash of siblings surviving the zombie apocalypse. had her for sale for a little over forty bucks and I bought her after doing some quick math in my head.  This toy is not for children.  Lucci features realistic anatomy and is meant to be posed in one position and not fiddled with.  

Monday, July 16, 2012

English Instructions on Gokai Darin

I've never watched any episodes of the Gokaigers but I do own a couple of the Ranger keys.   I got this free with some Gokai Red  promotion at Jusco.   I'm horrible at reading Katakana and have pretty much zero skill at reading Kanji.   But here are a few pictures of this ship's steering wheel in case you bought this on Ebay and are wondering how to pose your Rangers with it. 

 It says "Gookai Darin" in Katakana there. 

DC Direct Green Lantern Series 4 Red Lantern Guy Gardner

I believe this toy should technically be a "Hybrid" Lantern rather than just a Red Lantern because Guy has both the Green Lantern ring of Willpower and the Red Lantern Ring of Hate.    I think this guy might be my favorite out my Rainbow Lantern Justice League.   I picked him up for about $14 on Amazon and I think he was well worth the price.   I think it would be cool if DC made more Hybrid Lanterns.    I would def add the seven ring Kyle Rayner, all the Hybrid Jordans and the other Hybrid Guy to my collection.   

Friday, July 13, 2012

S.H. Figuarts Jusco Exclusive Shinken Red Kaoru Shiba

I'll be honest.  I was planning on selling this toy to help me recuperate from my trip to Japan.  The longer I waited the more this figure depreciated in value so I just decided to open her up and keep her for my own.  And after opening I do not regret it because she's a great figure and I think I might make an all female team of Figuarts Rangers. 

I've seen this toy before and when I hit up the Jusco/Aeon Mall (I hope I remember that right) i was super surprised to see her shelf warming for about ¥2500.   I almost spent my whole toy budget on a bunch of her to sell at home for a hundred bucks a pop but I stopped myself.  I also got Gokai Darin at the time because of a special Red Ranger promotion they were doing with Gokai Red.  My Japanese is horrible so I could only half understand what the sales lady was saying to me.  

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Gears of War 3 Anya

Here's another Neca review and I actually like this figure.   I picked up Anya for around twelve or thirteen dollars and I'm not disappointed.  I was at first when I opened up the box and saw her hair, but after opening her up I saw the hair sculpt was actually separate from the head and all it needed was a good little push.  Unfortunately Anya suffers from what I call "Females cheaper than males toys - itis..."   Yeah doesn't make too much sense but that this means is the Anya figure is much cheaper than the other Gears of War figures.   No Marcus or Dom are going to be decorating my shelf slicing baddies with their Lancers.    Not for the price they're currently demanding anyways.   

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Blackest Night Indigo 1

I got this toy for only ten dollars off of Amazon!    Well worth it in my opinion to complete my over powered Justice League.      For the Indigo lanterns I actually had a choice of half naked buff guys or this half naked alien girl.   You can probably tell which one I choose for my Justice League.    

Transformers Prime Soundwave

I have an unwritten, unenforced rule that if i'm going to pay full price for a figure it better be something I really like. I paid around $13 for Soundwave and while he is my favorite Decepticon I think this toy wasn't worth it.   This time Soundwave is flimsy, and feels brittle.   Soundwave just doesn't feel like I got my bang for my buck.    Oh yeah he comes with a weak Laserbeak.   But it's better than having to buy a Laserbeak seperately.  

Monday, July 9, 2012

Diablo III Review

Over the past couple of months I've spent nearly one hundred hours, if not more on Diablo III.    I'll be honest those hours spent playing haven't always been the most exciting or thrilling but I still do enjoy the game.   Diablo III or D3 as I'll probably refer to it in most of this post is a really fun game if you enjoy point and click games with friends.  I personally like the game for it's incentive to level up and gain new skills all the way til the end of the game.  

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Play Arts Full Metal Alchemist Winry Rockbell

I didn't know Play Arts made figures from the show Full Metal Alchemist.   I was a fan of the show when it first aired on Adult Swim back in 2004 or 2005.  I don't remember.    Anywho I actually saw the Elric brothers go for ridiculous prices on the internet.   I don't feel right paying over twenty bucks for one of these smaller Play Arts.   Then I saw they made a Winry and she was only six dollars!   I figured why the hell not and placed my order on Amazon.   Winry was cheaper and a beer at the bar and I don't regret buying her.   I've yet to justify the forty plus dollars for the Elric brothers to buy them.    

Friday, July 6, 2012

The Amazing Spider-Man: Ultra Posable Spider-Man

Here's a much more recent figure I bought.  I originally wasn't going to get this guy because I don't really like his leg joints.    But the more I play with him the more I enjoy the figure.     It reminds me a lot of an old Spider-Man toy I still have somewhere that was really fun to play with.  It was "Ultra Poseable" at the time and this figure brought back memories.    I picked it up on sale at a Target for under eight bucks so I highly recommend him if you want a Spidey and fits in with the Marvel movie toys. 

DC Direct Green Lantern Series Soranik Natu

I appear to amassing quite the female figure collection in my girlfriend's absence...  Oh well my mindset I'm just trying to make myself uber straight by balancing out my collection of transforming robots and muscular men by adding more female figures into the mix.   

Enough of that.  I keep on forgetting which toys I've reviewed and which I haven't because even though I'm at 60+ posts I've only done toys I haven't opened yet.  I'll probably go back and do more reviews on the ones I've opened later. 

I'm actually trying to make an over powered Justice League out of all the different lanterns.   In future reviews I will show off the others ones I bought but the only two colors I need to get are orange and black.  I usually wait til Amazon makes the prices for these toys go down.  No way am I going to pay more than 16 bucks for one of these.

I got Soranik for I believe $15.95 on Amazon and I think she was worth the price.   I probably could have gone to a comic shop and picked out a more flawless one(mine has paint splotches) but that would have meant a higher price tag and gas money.    She looks good and despite having crap articulation I'm glad to have her in my collection and a part of my Justice League shelf! 

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Transformers Prime Cyberverse Megatron

For today's review I have here the Cyberverse sized Megatron.   I like this figure a lot more than Bulkhead due to Megs being able to pose better.   He does have two faults in my opinion and that is legs only have the single joint at the knee and no ball jointed foot.   Megatron's alternate mode also really sucks.   I do not like the alt mode at all.  

Monday, July 2, 2012

Marvel Universe Age of Thunder Thor

Ok I know I've been griping about how expensive these little guys are how I'm not going to buy anymore of them and well...  I got one more.  The only reason I bought this guy was to complete my 3.75 inch Avengers movie team.  Well not the actual movie figures but what figures I think fits nicely into the team.  I got Thor for a whooping $12.23 with tax!   Hardly justifiable to buy these little guys for so much when they're coming with less and less.   The new Marvel Universe figures don't even come with stands anymore!   Just small cardboard cutout artwork.        

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Thundercats Cheetara

Alright, Alright!   I've decided after Cheetara I will open some of the toys I've got saved up.  I'm gonna reward myself after work tomorrow by opening up one of them.  I have about seven unopened toys and several of them are still from Japan... 

But on to Cheetara.   I waited a couple of months to get her simply because I could not find her in my area and scalpers online wanted ridiculous prices for her.  I didn't not want to pay over thirty bucks for her and when I saw her go for ten bucks on Amazon I jumped on the opportunity.   Since then the price for Cheetara has gone up to twenty and stuck around that price.   

Cheetara does not dissapoint with her only flaws being quality control and the absence of a shoulder swivel.   They gave her a bo but she can't really pose with it too well.   Since she comes with the least accessories it would have been nice to give her a stand so she can be in a running pose like the TV show.  

Transformers Prime: Cyberverse Bulkhead

 This time I'll be showing you Transformers Prime Bulkhead!    This is the Cyberverse version and I bought it for about nine dollars which I kind of regret.    I still remember when deluxe figures where ten dollars and for that price they were highly articulated.    While Bulkhead is fun the figure lacks in certain areas.   The thing that bugs me the most about this figure is the huge hallow back and how Bulkhead has a little trouble standing up.   While I love the leader class Animated Bulkhead this Prime toy is a fun desk toy.   It's poses are a bit limited though because of the single jointed knees and non-moving ankles.  

Transformers Prime Wheeljack

I'm not really too much of a fan of this toy.  My friend Barry owed me money so instead of giving me back the cold hard cash he got me this toy.   While Wheeljack isn't a bad toy the arms are kind of a deal breaker for me.  They do have ball joints on their shoulders but their single jointed elbows really hinder  the toy's posing ability.    I won't talk too much so you can enjoy the pictures and make your own decision on whether or not to spend the money on this guy here.  

Monday, June 25, 2012

Play Arts Advent Children Tifa

Woo hoo!  Two blog posts in one day.   I think I'm only four posts (including this one) away from being caught up on all the toys I've opened so far.  

Anywho here is Paizuri... I mean Tifa from the Advent Children line of Play Arts.  I think I got really lucky on this figure.  When I got into toy collecting again I mainly collected Transformers so when I finally branched out and searched for Final Fantasy figures they costed a pretty penny.   Tifa was and is going for around $100 which is a ridiculous amount to pay.     So one day after coming back from my sweet heart and from Japan I searched for Play Arts characters on Ebay and I was surprised to find her for only $20 buy it now price!   Apparently the guy who was selling Tifa had to move really quick so he was trying to make some quick cash by selling his collection.  I wanted to buy more from him but the other auctions had gone up or I didn't want the others he was selling.   And yeah... I'm really happy about getting this toy for so "cheap"!

Enough bragging lets talk about this toy.    It's a great representation of Tifa from the Advent Children movie except for the face.   The toy doesn't look too much like the movie model but I can live with it.  I've seen a website tutorial about customizing the face to make her look more like the movie.  I think it involves cutting the bangs and giving her new eyes and lipstick.   

Marvel Universe Black Widow

This review totally slipped past me somehow.  I thought I had posted this review a while ago. Browsing though my photos, and then my blog, I noticed that I had not reviewed this figure even though I had the photos for over six months now.  

I see Black Widow going for over $20 now on websites and I do not think that is worth it for such a small toy.  She sports the old standard Marvel Universe female body and comes with minimal accessories so try not to pay too much for her unless you have a super fan.  I think I got her via Amazon for around $11 because I joined the Marvel Universe game late.    

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Transformers Generations Warpath

I'm really starting to lag with this.   With the exception of Goku I'm only on my toys I got from Dec/Jan.   Sad faced.  I really like toys but I'm just running out of room and I've had to put the majority of my toys into storage.  Mainly because I don't have a lot of room like my old place and because I don't wanna keep on dusting my toys.    

Anywho after a bunch of rumbling here is Warpath.      It's an amazing Transformer I got back in January and despite the simple engineering Warpath is really fun to play with.   He can pose very well for a Transformer and his transformation from robot to tank is really simple.   

Friday, May 11, 2012

Figure-Rise Master Grade Goku

*Warning*  This one is going to be very picture heavy!

Thanks to my lovely girlfriend she send me this model kid as part of my birthday present!  I've enjoyed Dragonball Z for a long time and it is one of my favorite franchises out there.   I've never put together something larger than a High Grade Gundam so I was a little worried I would mess this up.   I did have an amazing time putting it together though.   It's a ton of fun!

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Final Fantasy X Play Arts Rikku

Whew I haven't posted on here in a while.    They changed the blogger set up so I'm a little confused.  

Anywho  I picked this up during the Christmas season for a good bit of money.   Something I normally wouldn't spend on a toy but I saw her going for fifty bucks on Amazon,  something I couldn't pass up at the time.   Rikku normally goes for close to a hundred dollars so I'm hoping this isn't a fake and that I got a lucky break on finding her.  

It's actually a smaller box than the Play Arts I have.   

Friday, January 20, 2012

Transformers Reveal the Shield Wreckgar

This review, like Jazz, is a little late.  Mainly due to the fact I never saw this guy in stores ever.   When I saw this on Amazon for $10 I jumped on it and bought two so this guy could have something to ride on.  However I haven't opened it yet to show off a picture.   I hear you can also buy this guy for $5 around the country and I'm jealous.  After a quick glance around the price for Wreck-gar has gone back up to around $20.   

The only downside to this figure is transforming him back into a vehicle can get a bit tricky trying to get all the panels to line up flush. 

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Transformers Reveal the Shield Jazz

I'm a little late to the game reviewing this but I didn't pick this guy up until I got him for $9.99 on   I've read about Jazz going for almost half the price at some Rosses/Walmarts/etc but I've personally only seen one of these guys over here in the Bay Area and I bought it quickstyle for my friend.  Now I have a  Jazz of my own and I think he is awesome!   The Transformers: Reveal the Shield line is really impressive to me.  Comparing this line to the older Classics/Universe/Generations line the engineering for each wave has really improved.  

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Marvel Universe X-23 Review

I actually have a bunch of toys I haven't opened yet and I'm kind of lagging on this blog.  I don't think I'm going to buy anymore humanoid American toys for a while.  I've become spoiled by Japanese toys!   I think I will only collect more X-Men to build up a team similar to what I'm doing for my DC figures and my Justice Lanterns.  

Ignore the price tag.  My friend actually picked this up for me for about $4.00 though a deal this scalper had.   With the possibility of the newer female Marvel Universe bodies I say pick up X-23 even if she is missing her feet claws. 

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

S.H.Figuarts Nami Review

I'm not a One Piece fan but the Figuarts of Nami is pretty awesome.  I feel this way because of the extra faces she comes with!  I really like the screaming angry face.  If you can buy Nami for less than $20 then get it!  The faces alone almost make this toy worth $20+