Friday, July 6, 2012

DC Direct Green Lantern Series Soranik Natu

I appear to amassing quite the female figure collection in my girlfriend's absence...  Oh well my mindset I'm just trying to make myself uber straight by balancing out my collection of transforming robots and muscular men by adding more female figures into the mix.   

Enough of that.  I keep on forgetting which toys I've reviewed and which I haven't because even though I'm at 60+ posts I've only done toys I haven't opened yet.  I'll probably go back and do more reviews on the ones I've opened later. 

I'm actually trying to make an over powered Justice League out of all the different lanterns.   In future reviews I will show off the others ones I bought but the only two colors I need to get are orange and black.  I usually wait til Amazon makes the prices for these toys go down.  No way am I going to pay more than 16 bucks for one of these.

I got Soranik for I believe $15.95 on Amazon and I think she was worth the price.   I probably could have gone to a comic shop and picked out a more flawless one(mine has paint splotches) but that would have meant a higher price tag and gas money.    She looks good and despite having crap articulation I'm glad to have her in my collection and a part of my Justice League shelf! 

 As of the time of this post Wrath is the most expensive figure online.

 I really dig the shiny metallic colors of the DC Direct figures. 

 Her eyes are kinda derpy and you can see some of the green paint splotches on mine here but oh well. 

My first Green Lantern battery!

 Her basic stand which I really like. I only wish they sold these out of package so I could grab a White Lantern one for my Hal Jordan and a Yellow Lantern one for my Batman. 

Not much articulation here.   He's basically a moving statue but I'm fine by that.   The only non obvious  articulated part is her boot swivel.  

 Blue, Green, and Star Sappire Lanterns
 My DC Direct Lanterns.  Blue Lantern Flash and Star Sapphire Wonder Woman. 

My Lantern Justice League so far!   See how Hal Jordan and Batman don't really fit in.  Oh well as they say "Beggars can't be choosers."   

PARENTS:  This isn't really a toy for small children but if you have a teenage who likes to collect toys this may be the right thing for them.   I like how Soranik displays, and sometimes in a world where boy toys feature a bunch of muscular men having a female figure among them can be refreshing.   Plus she's not scantily clad so it would be that weird of a present to your child.  

COLLECTORS:   I know the Green Lantern hype has died down so now's the time to act to complete your Green Lantern collection.   A lot of figures have been popping up for a lot cheaper than you're going to find in stores.    I say pick up Soranik while you still can for cheap and have a nice looking figure to add to your Lantern Core!  

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