Monday, June 25, 2012

Marvel Universe Black Widow

This review totally slipped past me somehow.  I thought I had posted this review a while ago. Browsing though my photos, and then my blog, I noticed that I had not reviewed this figure even though I had the photos for over six months now.  

I see Black Widow going for over $20 now on websites and I do not think that is worth it for such a small toy.  She sports the old standard Marvel Universe female body and comes with minimal accessories so try not to pay too much for her unless you have a super fan.  I think I got her via Amazon for around $11 because I joined the Marvel Universe game late.    

 I want Luke Cage!

 To me this looks really basic for a figure.  All  they had to do was paint her body black and slap on the belt and gauntlets and they were done.    Her face sculpt is good though.    
 Comes with her artwork and biocard, stand, rifle, and letter. 

 Dart gauntlet shooters.

And some comes with a belt!   Goodie!!!

Because of the Avengers movies it appears that all the figures involving the main cast have gone up in price.  I wouldn't recommend you get her for the $20+ dollars she is fetching unless you really want her or want her to be in your Marvel Universe Avengers display case.  

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