Monday, June 25, 2012

Play Arts Advent Children Tifa

Woo hoo!  Two blog posts in one day.   I think I'm only four posts (including this one) away from being caught up on all the toys I've opened so far.  

Anywho here is Paizuri... I mean Tifa from the Advent Children line of Play Arts.  I think I got really lucky on this figure.  When I got into toy collecting again I mainly collected Transformers so when I finally branched out and searched for Final Fantasy figures they costed a pretty penny.   Tifa was and is going for around $100 which is a ridiculous amount to pay.     So one day after coming back from my sweet heart and from Japan I searched for Play Arts characters on Ebay and I was surprised to find her for only $20 buy it now price!   Apparently the guy who was selling Tifa had to move really quick so he was trying to make some quick cash by selling his collection.  I wanted to buy more from him but the other auctions had gone up or I didn't want the others he was selling.   And yeah... I'm really happy about getting this toy for so "cheap"!

Enough bragging lets talk about this toy.    It's a great representation of Tifa from the Advent Children movie except for the face.   The toy doesn't look too much like the movie model but I can live with it.  I've seen a website tutorial about customizing the face to make her look more like the movie.  I think it involves cutting the bangs and giving her new eyes and lipstick.   

 The only damage I saw was to the back of the box.  I hope this isn't a knock off.   

 Her big shoes allows her to stand up on her own.  I wish the ribbon was removable.  

 Tifa comes with a base and another set of hands.  Not a whole lot I know but maybe they could have included another one of her fist weapons.  

 I think the face looks fine but I think Yuffie's face looks much better.  

 Rikku is smaller than Tifa and Tifa is smaller than Vanille.  

There's not much posing you can do because of her pants.  I'm not sure how they got her to pose in such a high kick on the back of the box.    I'm a little tempted to try but I do not want to snap her legs off. 

PARENTS:  This is meant to be posed once then put on a shelf.   If you're child wants this and it's almost a hundred bucks don't buy it for them!

COLLECTERS:   But this if you can get Tifa for under $50.  If you like Final Fantasy like me then she'll look great in your Play Arts collection!  

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