Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Transformers Prime Wheeljack

I'm not really too much of a fan of this toy.  My friend Barry owed me money so instead of giving me back the cold hard cash he got me this toy.   While Wheeljack isn't a bad toy the arms are kind of a deal breaker for me.  They do have ball joints on their shoulders but their single jointed elbows really hinder  the toy's posing ability.    I won't talk too much so you can enjoy the pictures and make your own decision on whether or not to spend the money on this guy here.  

 Surprisingly in Transformers Prime Wheeljack isn't a smart brainy creator guy.  He's in the Wreckers with Bulkhead.   That little tidbit was for if you didn't know. 

 Yeah I know I forgot to take the rubber band of the car mode.  I didn't notice til after I had shot the car mod pictures and I was too lazy to reshoot them. :(  

 It is a nice car mode though!    But I don't buy my Transformers for car modes!

 Smaller than the generations Wheeljack.

 I think everything on the body is fine, except for his long arms.   The single joint elbows are really easy to pop off and posing them isn't too fun.  

 This is pretty much the extent you can do with poses.   I know it's not the best pose but his arms do allow you form poses based around sword usage.  

You can also stick the swords in front of the car or the sides.   A little silly but I guess it allows him to wreck stuff. 

PARENTS:  This toy is average price and will be able to take a beating for your young one.   I say get it while it's still "cheap" and your young one will love it. 

COLLECTORS:  Unless you really like Wheeljack I say pass.  Wheeljack can be a little hard to find either because of poorly stocked boxes, children buying them up, or scalpers.   But if you want to try to buy him when he's cheap and not when he's above $20. 

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