Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Thundercats Cheetara

Alright, Alright!   I've decided after Cheetara I will open some of the toys I've got saved up.  I'm gonna reward myself after work tomorrow by opening up one of them.  I have about seven unopened toys and several of them are still from Japan... 

But on to Cheetara.   I waited a couple of months to get her simply because I could not find her in my area and scalpers online wanted ridiculous prices for her.  I didn't not want to pay over thirty bucks for her and when I saw her go for ten bucks on Amazon I jumped on the opportunity.   Since then the price for Cheetara has gone up to twenty and stuck around that price.   

Cheetara does not dissapoint with her only flaws being quality control and the absence of a shoulder swivel.   They gave her a bo but she can't really pose with it too well.   Since she comes with the least accessories it would have been nice to give her a stand so she can be in a running pose like the TV show.  

 Cheetara looks really good out of box with the only flaw visible flaw right now being her shoulders.   She has those black connecters and it's not quite flush with her body.

 I'm not sure if it's just mine but look at how bad her left eye is!   I wish I could have bought Cheetara in store but thanks to all the scalpers in the area there's probably no chance I'll find one.   Her eye flaw isnt' really too noticeable until you hold her up close.

 Her only accessory.   Not much to look at,  a plain brown stick.   On her back she has the smaller, compact form sculpted to her.  They could have given us something else.  Anything else.  Maybe a Book of Omens or the lantern that held Jaga's soul.  Even a cleric robe or something.  I feel a little ripped of by this. 

 When I could pose her in a fighting stance Cheetara looked pretty good.

 Her hair sculpt is kind of meh and here you can see the staff in it's compact form.

Next up I need to find a Tygra!   However he is going for ridiculous prices ($80+).   

PARENTS:  This is a nice solid toy and will probably last weeks in your child's hand.   Cheetara is a little hard to find though so try not to pay more than retail price of fifteen bucks.

COLLECTORS:   If you like the new Thundercats def pick up this six in Cheetara.   She looks great with Lion-O and Panthro and she stands out with her lighter colors.   I'm really digging this line so I hope my recommendation doesn't disappoint you.

 Sweet I can recommend products to you guys now.  LOL AT CHEETARA underwear.  


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